One of the boys - Whiskey.

One of the boys - Whiskey.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wikis, Blogs, Social Bookmarking and Learning Communities

Wikis and blogs have been a new concept to me until entering this class.  Both wikis and blogs appear to be very similar in that they both allow a person to edit and change content via the use of the internet.  Wikis also allows you to choose the content in which you edit and change.  I believe I would allow my students to utilize wikis and blogs as a sort of learning tool with social skills while at the same time they are brainstorming.  If I do use wikis or blogs within the classroom, I will definitely demand strict rules for the exchange of information and monitor the use for the classroom.  I do feel for older student’s wikis and blogs could prove to teach social networking skills.
Social bookmarking could easily serve as an educational tool and I can see myself utilizing it to build a reference of easily accessible material for students to generate report information.  I might also use social bookmarking to help my students learn about copyright laws and fair use.  I do not believe I would find a strong use for voice thread, but could possibly incorporate it into a lesson as a supplement just to make sure my students are aware of the uses of voice threading.

I have no previous experience with tapped in other than what I have read in the text, but I do feel it has some positive possibilities in the classroom.  Learning can be enhanced by the sharing of information by students with other students or teachers and other teachers.  Tapped in reminds me of our physical community but on the web, whereas people learn from the ideas and examples of those they are surrounded by (hence the community) and learn from and gain strength from those whom of which they share their ideas and experiences.

Meaningful Learning With Technology--Jonassen, D., Howland J., Marra, R.M. & Crismond, D. (2008). Pearson, Merrill/Prentice Hall, 3rd edition.


  1. I think it has been very interesing to learn about all of the different ways in which we can use technology in the classroom. I never realized how much I didn't know was out there. By taking this class, I figured that I would simply enhance the knowledge I already had; however, being only half way through, I have already learned more that I'd ever expected too.

    I thought you made a very good point when you connected what we learned in the copywright lesson to the social bookmarking tool. I hadn't even thought about that aspect and I think that is definitley a positive to this feature.

  2. Just like you, Wikis and blogs were new to me before taking this class. I mean I have heard of blogs before but didn't really know how to make my own post. While knowing the things I have learned in this class, I think I will integrate these things into my classroom because I believe the kids will enjoy it. I think it is good for you to manage the wikis and blogs in your classroom as well because if you don't, the kids could possibly get themselves into some trouble.

  3. Indeed, it is imperative that we as educators monitor the information our students are puting on the internet for the world to see. Especially, since there have been cases where internet predators have vioalated the privacy of others. Regarding Social Networking; it is indeed beneficial for a student to have information at arms reach regarding copyright rules, especially since students are beginning to enter an age where they will feel the need to use certain types of information such as music, literature, and other types of informatin necessary to complete a particular project, etc.. Nevertheless, I beleive tools, such as social networking, wikis,and tapping will create a way for parents, students, and teachers to communicate in a way where no boundries exist when concerning information needed towards a students success in his/her educational endeavors.
