One of the boys - Whiskey.

One of the boys - Whiskey.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I learned that podcasting is an audio recording that is saved as an MP3 file and made available on the Internet through RSS. (Crismond, Howland, Jonassen Marra pg. 160).  I really have had no experience with podcasting until this chapter.  I have heard my teenage daughters talking about podcasting and how they use it for music with their I Pods.  I believe it could be used in the classroom as an additional source for students to revisit classroom lectures for a review or absences.  This chapter has given me somewhat of an idea about podcasting, but I believe I would definitely need more information to utilize it myself.

Podcasting is similar to other Web 2.0 applications in that it reaches out to a large and varied audience and allows its creator to express their creative and artistic views without repercussions of others opposing views.  Podcasting is different to other Web 2.0 applications in that it does not require the user to remain online to utilize it.  The user can load the information to another device and retrieve it when they wish.
I do own an iPod and use it most every day to listen to music.  I know how to perform all the basics of loading the music and listening to the music.  Well, I also know how to create my own song lists.  One benefit I have enjoyed about my iPod is that through the use of blue tooth audio in my truck, I can listen to the music from my iPod through my truck speakers.  If I am going on a road trip, I can make a playlist and not have to worry about commercials.  I have heard of my daughter’s teachers using their iPods in the classroom and see no problem with it.  I believe it would be a resource that might be enlisted in a sort of privilege system withing the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just like you! I never knew much about podcasting up until this course. I would definitely need more information in order to be able to use it. It just seems quite confusing to me so I doubt I'd really use it in my classroom but I do agree that students who miss school would benefit from this to catch up on missed lessons. - Maria Rodriguez
